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Reading Zach Holman's Deploying Software Post

While reading Zach Holman’s Deploying Software I decided to write-up some notes. He produced such an epic post that I probably want to go back in the future to look at some of the points again.

Deploying Software

The main point of the article:
Make that typically-scary new release deploy as fast, boring, straightforward, and stress-free as possible.

As this is just what we are trying to do, most of the points resonated with me.

Project Rider C# Git Ignore

Project Rider is a new C# IDE based on ReSharper and the IntelliJ platform.

The EAP is for download if you signup on the Jetbrains site. First try outs indicate its a nice C# IDE. Not sure if it is any better then VS2015 or VS Code. Doing some first tests now and it does work good on console apps. It opens SLN files, compiles console apps and runs them in debug mode. It did lockup completely on intelisense when trying to add Linq methods to a dynamic type object instance.

Just wanted to post the Git ignore inclusions here as a reference:

This should prevent .idea/ folder content and ..iml files to be added to your GIT repo. These two file/folder types are added to the repository folder as soon as you open up a SLN file in Project Rider IDE.

The visual studio reference GIT ignore file on Github has the same to additions as well: VisualStudio.gitignore

Changes, work in progress

So, switching to a new template. The old one was too minimal.

This one has better features and is easier to tweak. Not sure if anything comes after this post, but I will probably fiddle with the css a bit more and work on the markdow/html of the posts.

This Jekyll theme was crafted by by John Otander

Only customizations up to now:

  • use github flavoured markdown
  • remove some of the footers
  • remove emailing contact form